玩具盒惊魂,玩偶盒惊魂 The Jack in the Box...
随机暴力行动 Random Acts of Violence2019,随机暴力行动 Random Acts of Violence...
死二月 Deathcember2019,死二月 Deathcember...
死亡凝视 Deadsight2018,死亡凝视 Deadsight...
侵密殺機(台),嗜育者 Breeder...
是夜尸了(港),守夜人 The Vigil...
先人之夜 Bhoot Chaturdashi2019,先人之夜 Bhoot Chaturdashi...
Let’s Scare Julie to Death,吓吓朱莉 Let's Scare Julie...
魔坑(台),The Devil Below,Sinkhole,下方的恶魔 Shookum Hills...
疯狂的心,我心略狂 Madness Inside Me...
Dreadout: Tower of Hell,鬼入鏡:靈之鬼跡(台),小镇惊魂 DreadOut...
小心背后,小心身后 Behind You...
蜈蚣降(台),La Reina de la Magia Negra,La Reine de la Magie Noire,The Queen of Black Magic,新版降头女王 Ratu Ilmu Hitam...
Welcome to the Blumhouse: Evil Eye,邪恶之眼 Evil Eye...
猎人传说之兴安岭,Legend of Hunter,兴安岭猎人传说...
Hospital,杏林医院 杏林醫院...
血船 Blood Vessel2019,血船 Blood Vessel...
血腥地狱 Bloody Hell2020,血腥地狱 Bloody Hell...
羊惧(台),羊婴传说(港),Lamb,羊崽 Dýrið...
夜舍,鬼屋,夜屋,夜之屋,夜间小屋 The Night House...