催魂频率(台),The Hypnosis,催眠 최면...
地表惊旅 In the Earth2021,地表惊旅 In the Earth...
別去地下室(台),黑色的房间 The Black Room...
The Dark & The Wicked,黑暗与邪恶 The Dark and the Wicked...
Black Hand,幕後黑手(台),黑手 검은손...
海边小屋,海滨别墅 The Beach House...
滑稽 Clownery2020,滑稽 Clownery...
魔鬼的门廊 The Devil's Doorway2018,魔鬼的门廊 The Devil's Doorway...
旅馆闹鬼 IRUL: Ghost Hotel2021,旅馆闹鬼 IRUL: Ghost Hotel...
A Night in the Cabin,林屋惊魂 The Cabin...
老鹰旅馆之夜 Night at the Eagle Inn2021,老鹰旅馆之夜 Night at the Eagle Inn...
猎人气候 Climate of the Hunter2019,猎人气候 Climate of the Hunter...
怪奇默友(港),鬼游戏(台),拉里,Larry,来玩 Come Play...
I Saw a Man with Yellow Eyes,小雨的恐惧,恐雨 Fear of Rain...
恐惧街1:1994,恐惧大街1:1994,Fear Street Part One: 1994,Fear Street Part 1: 1994,恐惧街 Fear Street...
恐惧街3:1666,恐惧大街3:1666,Fear Street Part 3: 1666,恐惧街3 Fear Street 3...
Irul,恐惧天使 ഇരുൾ...
恐怖玩具 Toys of Terror2020,恐怖玩具 Toys of Terror...
愤路狂逃(港),Tailgate,夺命公路,绝命碰撞 Bumperkleef...
断线森林,无眠之森,今天没有人在森林里入睡,Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight,今夜林中无人入睡 W lesie dzis nie zasnie nikt...