鬼护士(台),电源,断电惊魂 The Power...
不洁圣地,邪恶,邪恶玛利亚,Shrine,不洁 The Unholy...
催眠催魂频率(台),The Hypnosis,催眠 최면...
地表惊旅地表惊旅 In the Earth2021,地表惊旅 In the Earth...
旅馆闹鬼旅馆闹鬼 IRUL: Ghost Hotel2021,旅馆闹鬼 IRUL: Ghost Hotel...
老鹰旅馆之夜老鹰旅馆之夜 Night at the Eagle Inn2021,老鹰旅馆之夜 Night at the Eagle Inn...
恐雨I Saw a Man with Yellow Eyes,小雨的恐惧,恐雨 Fear of Rain...
恐惧街恐惧街1:1994,恐惧大街1:1994,Fear Street Part One: 1994,Fear Street Part 1: 1994,恐惧街 Fear Street...
恐惧街3恐惧街3:1666,恐惧大街3:1666,Fear Street Part 3: 1666,恐惧街3 Fear Street 3...
恐惧天使Irul,恐惧天使 ഇരുൾ...
假阳性假阳性 False Positive2021,假阳性 False Positive...
今夜林中无人入睡2Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2,今夜林中无人入睡2 W lesie dzis nie zasnie nikt 2...
深宅深水妖宅,深宅 The Deep House...
母亲的诅咒孕母,Welcome to the Blumhouse: Madres,母亲的诅咒 Madres...
你房里有人你房间有人,诡异入侵,家有访吓,你房里有人 There's Someone Inside Your House...
闹鬼旅馆闹鬼旅馆 The Haunted Hotel2021,闹鬼旅馆 The Haunted Hotel...
你的每一次呼吸你独属于我,操控(台),You Belong to Me,你的每一次呼吸 Every Breath You Take...
所见所闻听说轶事,谜屋暗语,所见所闻 Things Heard & Seen...
逃脱的女孩逃跑的女孩,Mother,逃脱的女孩 The Girl Who Got Away...
亡者之湿活湿大军,不湿丧军,亡者水族馆,亡者之湿 Aquarium of the Dead...