The Big Fellow / 侠义大汉...
流星蝴蝶剑粤语Killer Clans...
冷血十三鹰粤语The Avenging Eagle...
老虎田鸡大鳄斗虾蟆 / Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog...
洪拳小子粤语Disciples Of Shaolin...
洪熙官洪熙官与洪文定 / 洪熙官父子报血仇 / Shaolin Executioners / Executioners of Death...
狐鬼嬉春Come Haunt with Me...
金毛狮王The Golden Lion...
绝代双骄国语The Proud Twins...
鬼流星神龙血掌 / The Comet Strikes...
鬼话连篇古之色狼 / Fearful Interlude...
歌女之歌Song of a songstress...
猛鬼卡拉OKHaunted Karaoke...
我的印度男友My Indian Boyfriend...
风流断剑小小刀The Deadly Breaking Sword...
飞男飞女Social Characters...
多情剑客无情剑国语The Sentimental Swordsman...
夺棍国语The Fighting Fool...