Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
盾与剑·第三部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
盾与剑·第二部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
盾与剑·第一部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
内雷特瓦河战役The Battle on the River Neretva,La battaglia della Neretva,The Battle of Neretva,内雷特瓦河战役 Bitka na Neretvi...
潜艇驱逐战太平洋潜水战,巡弋舰艇,潜艇驱逐战 Torpedo Run...
夜袭机场夜袭机场 Diverzanti1968,夜袭机场 Diverzanti...
地下游击队地下游击队 Njësiti guerril1969,地下游击队 Njësiti guerril...
六福客栈六福客栈 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness1958,六福客栈 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness...
心火2008Heart of Fire,心火 Feuerherz...
伊万的童年伊凡的少年时代(台),伊凡的童年,伊凡的童年时代,Ivanovo detstvo,Ivan’s Childhood,伊万的童年 Иваново детство...
哈特的战争裁决之战,哈特之战,哈特的战争 Hart's War...
索尔之子天堂无门(港),索尔的儿子,Son of Saul,索尔之子 Saul fia...
日瓦戈医生济瓦格医生(港),齐瓦哥医生(台),齐瓦格医生,日瓦格医生,日瓦戈医生 Doctor Zhivago...
南海的早晨The Morning of South Sea,南海的早晨...
恐惧与欲望不安与欲望,敌后突击战,恐惧与欲望 Fear and Desire...
亨利五世战神亨利五世,亨利五世 Henry V...
英雄小八路Little Heroes,英雄小八路...