The Photographer of Mauthausen,集中营里的摄影师 El fotógrafo de Mauthausen...
红十字:女人们的召集令,不该被忘记的他们,Red Cross: Onna tachi no akagami,红十字:女人们的入伍通知单 レッドクロス~女たちの赤紙~...
Letchik,The Pilot. A Battle for Survival,生存之战,飞行员 Лётчик...
寒雪战歌(台),冬日之战,冬季战争 Winter War...
The Eastern Front,The Eastern Front - Point of No Return,东线无归途 The Point of No Return...
Great Battle: Liberation of Northwest China,The Great Military March Forward: Liberate the Northwest,大进军——解放大西北...
400发子弹 400 Bullets2021,400发子弹 400 Bullets...
骑兵剑客,1812:骑兵之歌,1812. Ballad of the Uhlans,The Ballad of Uhlans,1812:枪骑兵之歌 1812: Уланская баллада...
深海行动,Rebels of WW II,Rebels of WWII: PT-218,PT-218: The Rebels of WWII,PT-218的叛军 The Rebels of PT-218...
The Auschwitz Report,奥斯维辛报告 Správa...
Powstanie kardynala,波斯坦妮·卡迪娜拉 Wyszynski - zemsta czy przebaczenie...
无形之人,隐形的人,The Invisibles,The Resistance,隐形同盟 Die Unsichtbaren...
使命天空,Nebo,Mission «Sky»,天空 Небо...
Sobibor,索比堡 Собибор...