抢滩总攻击 Beach Red1967,抢滩总攻击 Beach Red...
73舰队潜艇战血战北大西洋(港),73舰队潜艇战(台),北大西洋血战記,血战大西洋,73舰队潜艇战 Action in the North Atlantic...
野战雄师野战雄师 Lost Command1966,野战雄师 Lost Command...
坚守要塞不朽的卫队,坚守要塞 Бессмертный гарнизон...
静静的顿河Tikhiy Don,And Quiet Flows the Don,静静的顿河 Тихий Дон...
633轰炸大队六三三敢死队(港),六三三轰炸大队(台),633轰炸中队,六三三轰炸队,633轰炸大队 633 Squadron...
南江村的妇女南江村的妇女 The women of Nanjiang village1965,南江村的妇女 The women of Nanjiang village...
东京上空三十秒轰炸东京,神鹰东征记,东京上空三十秒 Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo...
盾与剑·第四部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
盾与剑·第三部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
盾与剑·第二部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
盾与剑·第一部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
内雷特瓦河战役The Battle on the River Neretva,La battaglia della Neretva,The Battle of Neretva,内雷特瓦河战役 Bitka na Neretvi...
潜艇驱逐战太平洋潜水战,巡弋舰艇,潜艇驱逐战 Torpedo Run...
夜袭机场夜袭机场 Diverzanti1968,夜袭机场 Diverzanti...
地下游击队地下游击队 Njësiti guerril1969,地下游击队 Njësiti guerril...
六福客栈六福客栈 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness1958,六福客栈 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness...
心火2008Heart of Fire,心火 Feuerherz...