The City Is Under Siege,兵临城下...
轰炸东京,神鹰东征记,东京上空三十秒 Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo...
Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
The Battle on the River Neretva,La battaglia della Neretva,The Battle of Neretva,内雷特瓦河战役 Bitka na Neretvi...
太平洋潜水战,巡弋舰艇,潜艇驱逐战 Torpedo Run...
夜袭机场 Diverzanti1968,夜袭机场 Diverzanti...
地下游击队 Njësiti guerril1969,地下游击队 Njësiti guerril...
Prita,伏击战 Prita...
开往克拉列沃列车,开往克拉列沃的列车 Kraljevski voz...
六福客栈 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness1958,六福客栈 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness...
An Express Train,三进山城...