The Time You Need A Friend,笑匠...
Cherie,雪儿 雪兒...
Cherie,雪儿 雪兒...
Wong Ka Yan,Find My Mind of You,寻找心中的你 王家欣...
Wong Ka Yan,Find My Mind of You,寻找心中的你 王家欣...
The Postman Fights Back,巡城马 巡城馬...
The Postman Fights Back,巡城马 巡城馬...
The Silent Love,哑巴与新娘 啞巴與新娘...
将进酒,I Did It My Way,潜行 潛行...
The Pye-Dog...
The Pye-Dog...
Changing Partner,夜夜伴肥娇 夜夜伴肥嬌...
Banana Cop,英伦琵琶 英倫琵琶...
Up For The Rising Sun,拥抱朝阳 抱擁朝陽...
少年郁达夫,Cherry Blossoms,The Legend of Yu Ta Fu,When Tat Fu Was Young,郁达夫传奇 郁達夫傳奇...
洪兴十三妹之欲望之城,Yuk mong ji shing,City of Desire,欲望之城 慾望之城...
洪兴十三妹之欲望之城,Yuk mong ji shing,City of Desire,欲望之城 慾望之城...
Give Love a Chance,缘份新天空 緣份新天空...
Thief of Thieves...
The Marvellous Cook,真味小霸王,真味小和尚,真味小厨王...