战神传说粤语战神 / The Moon Warriors / Moon Warriors...
黄飞鸿之三:狮王争霸粤语黄飞鸿3 / 黄飞鸿之狮王争霸 / Once Upon a Time in China III...
都市煞星国语杀手无名 / Point of No Return / Point of Return...
都市煞星粤语杀手无名 / Point of No Return / Point of Return...
哗!英雄粤语What a Hero!...
夏日福星国语七福星 / Seven Lucky Stars / Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars...
监狱风云2:逃犯国语监狱风云2 / Prison on Fire II...
监狱风云国语Prison on Fire...
监狱风云2:逃犯粤语监狱风云2 / Prison on Fire II...
飞狐外传The Sword of Many Loves...
飞越危墙国语黑道日子 / Close Escape...
飞越危墙粤语黑道日子 / Close Escape...
鬼马保镖贼美人贼美人 / The Good, The Bad & The Beauty / The Heist...
背叛师门国语The Master...
新赌国仇城新濠江风云 / 至尊雀圣 / A Matter of Time...
特警急先锋Asian Connection...
真·三国无双真三国无双电影版 / 三国无双 / Dynasty Warriors...