别了,莱奥诺拉,莱奥诺拉·阿迪奥,再见,莱昂诺拉,两个告别皮兰德娄的角色(港),莱奥诺拉的告别 Leonora Addio...
Holy Blood,圣血 Santa sangre...
Sharing the Wisdom of Time,一代人的故事:教皇方济各与智者们 Stories of a Generation - with Pope Francis...
凶险假期(港),贝克特,生而被杀,生来被谋杀,Born to Be Murdered,厄运假期 Beckett...
情事(台),迷情,冒险,The Adventure,奇遇 L'avventura...
职业:记者,旅客,The Passenger,过客 Professione: reporter...
多米诺骨牌 Domino2019,多米诺骨牌 Domino...
托马索 Tommaso2019,托马索 Tommaso...
时间的灰烬,岁月风尘,The Dust of Time,时光之尘 Η σκόνη του χρόνου...
天堂奔驰(台),天堂,疾走天堂 Heaven...
幻觉之书 The Book of Vision2020,幻觉之书 The Book of Vision...
邂逅爱之夏(港),我的意外男伴(台),有答案的男子 The Man with the Answers...
危城行動(台),零和一 Zeros and Ones...
芳名法兰西,此晨半晴阴,法兰西女主播(港),天后主播法兰西(台),On a Half Clear Morning,Par ce demi-clair matin,法兰西 France...
Diabólica malicia,Child of the Night,Der Zeuge hinter der Wand,Diabolisch,Night Child,Night Hair Child,Tua presenza nuda, La,What the Peeper Saw,大战小色狼(kevin译名),夜童 La tua presenza nuda!...
吹动大麦的风(台),风吹稻浪,风吹麦浪 The Wind That Shakes the Barley...
血色月亮,颤栗,极异之情,爱定你 杀定你,High Tension,Switchblade Romance,高压电 Haute tension...
天黑黑(港),在黑暗中漫舞(台),黑暗中的舞者 Dancer in the Dark...
Apocalypse Z,僵尸大屠杀 Zombie Massacre...
滑稽 Clownery2020,滑稽 Clownery...