The Island of Lies,谎言的岛屿 La isla de las mentiras...
Diabólica malicia,Child of the Night,Der Zeuge hinter der Wand,Diabolisch,Night Child,Night Hair Child,Tua presenza nuda, La,What the Peeper Saw,大战小色狼(kevin译名),夜童 La tua presenza nuda!...
The House of Snails,蜗牛之家 La casa del caracol...
Murder by the Coast,太阳海岸谋杀案 El caso Wanninkhof-Carabantes...
The Photographer of Mauthausen,集中营里的摄影师 El fotógrafo de Mauthausen...
吹动大麦的风(台),风吹稻浪,风吹麦浪 The Wind That Shakes the Barley...
悲凉山掘墓记 Sad Hill Unearthed2017,悲凉山掘墓记 Sad Hill Unearthed...
The Sleeping Voice,沉睡的声音 La voz dormida...
超感官谋杀案,论文,Thesis,死亡论文 Tesis...
凌刑密密縫(台),泼妇,我的泼妇邻居,Shrew’s Nest,鼩鼱的巢穴 Musarañas...
屠屍館(台),甜蜜的家 Sweet Home...
走出黑暗 Out of the Dark2014,走出黑暗 Out of the Dark...
怪物召唤,恶魔呼唤,魔树奇缘(港),怪物来敲门(台),Un monstruo viene a verme,当怪物来敲门 A Monster Calls...
索拉一家,The Solar System,大家来晚餐 El sistema solar...
Mad Love,疯狂的爱,疯狂的胡安娜,疯女胡安娜 Juana la Loca...
冷皮,冰海异种(台),La piel fría,冰肤传说 Cold Skin...
上帝带你嗨(台),耶稣指引你上高速 Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway...