超级情报员麦汉之二,超级情报员麦汉续集 Murderers' Row...
War-Gods of the Deep,The City Under the Sea,海底城市 War-Gods of the Deep...
The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas,可恶的雪人,极地战将 The Abominable Snowman...
江湖侠侣,取舍之间,奇奔妙逃,有的和没有的,逃亡 To Have and Have Not...
七海蛟龙,怒海英雄,士海蛟龙 Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N....
午夜枪声,午后枪声 Ride the High Country...
气球上的五星期 Five Weeks in a Balloon1962,气球上的五星期 Five Weeks in a Balloon...
女煞星续集(港),女煞星续集 Some Girls Do...
巴兹尔迪尔登的地下伦敦之绅士联盟,绅士联盟 The League of Gentlemen...
戰火佳人(港),战争狂人 The War Lover...
海宫艳盗 Against All Flags1952,海宫艳盗 Against All Flags...
Go Fish!海底歷險記(台),海底历险记 Go Fish...
Desert Commandos,沙漠突击队 Attentato ai tre grandi...
三级十字勋章,双重特工 Triple Cross...
七海雄师(港),海底肉弹(台),紧急下潜 Crash Dive...
铁金刚横扫皇家赌场,皇家夜总会,皇家赌场,铁金刚勇破皇家夜总会,007别传之皇家夜总会 Casino Royale...
Alice au pays des merveilles,爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland...
亡命七金刚(港),大侵略(台),肮脏游戏 Play Dirty...
月宫宝盒,巴格达大盗,巴格达窃贼,巴格达的盗贼,巴格达妙贼 The Thief of Bagdad...
Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island,儒勒凡尔纳的神秘岛,神秘岛 Mysterious Island...