双面特务(台),特工,Die Agentin,女特工 The Operative...
黑暗之屋牡丹花下不风流,黑暗约会,黑暗之屋 House of Darkness...
利用我操控,Ruin Me,毁灭我,利用我 Use Me...
谎言之城迷宫,谁杀了大个子(台),LAbyrinth,谎言之城 City of Lies...
断裂断线(台),曲折(港),断裂 Fractured...
森林恶鬼凶邻(港),皮行者,Hag,森林恶鬼 The Wretched...
最后的清晰时刻双面游戏(台),最后的清醒时刻,最后的清晰时刻 Last Moment of Clarity...
吞咽吞上瘾(港),吞噬(台),吞咽 Swallow...
染血黑钱Allagash,染血黑钱 Blood and Money...
阴谋:作家之死阴谋:作家之死 Intrigo: Death of an Author2018,阴谋:作家之死 Intrigo: Death of an Author...
邀请函2022世纪婚魇(台),致命邀请,新娘,The Bride,邀请函 The Invitation...
吾即恐惧Sara’s Cell,吾即恐惧 I Am Fear...
捍卫家园保卫家园,捍卫家园 The Stand at Paxton County...
危险的谎言危险谎言,危险的谎言 Dangerous Lies...
难以置信的怪物难以置信的怪物 Impossible Monsters2019,难以置信的怪物 Impossible Monsters...
明信片杀戮明信片谋杀案(台),明信片杀戮 The Postcard Killings...
窥镜偷窥十号房(台),窥镜 Looking Glass...
残忍的心残忍的心 Cruel Hearts2018,残忍的心 Cruel Hearts...
的士惊魂Driven,的士惊魂 Driven...
拥有者拥有者 The Owners2020,拥有者 The Owners...