雪降,极冻邪恶 Snow Falls...
不对劲的孩子 There's Something Wrong with the Children2023,不对劲的孩子 There's Something Wrong with the Children...
宝惊魂(港),宝可噩梦(台),失落大道,消沉路,失望大道,Disappointment Blvd.,博很恐惧 Beau is Afraid...
召唤西尔维亚,招魂大派对 Summoning Sylvia...
害怕看不见的人 Fear the Invisible Man2023,害怕看不见的人 Fear the Invisible Man...
夜魔,鬼出柜(台),凶门恶煞(港),柜魔 The Boogeyman...
元凶,作恶者 Perpetrator...
孤立无援 No One Will Save You2023,孤立无援 No One Will Save You...
恶魔游戏 All Fun and Games2023,恶魔游戏 All Fun and Games...
新幽灵鬼屋,幽灵公馆(台),鬼咁多大屋(港),幽灵鬼屋 Haunted Mansion...
电梯游戏 Elevator Game2023,电梯游戏 Elevator Game...
绝对杀手 Totally Killer2023,绝对杀手 Totally Killer...
新幽灵鬼屋,幽灵公馆(台),鬼咁多大屋(港),幽灵鬼屋 Haunted Mansion...
鬼修女Ⅱ(台),诡修女Ⅱ(港),鬼修女2,诡修女2,修女2 The Nun II...
附加物 Appendage2023,附加物 Appendage...
印咒:毕舍遮(台),深居在内 It Lives Inside...
黑暗收割 Dark Harvest2023,黑暗收割 Dark Harvest...
恐惧斗室X(港),Saw 10,电锯惊魂10 Saw X...