There’s Always Woodstock,永远的伍德斯托克 Always Woodstock...
爱情标尾会(港),如此而已,如此这般,钱走了你还在,情到自然明 And So It Goes...
生活伴侣 Life Partners2014,生活伴侣 Life Partners...
爱‧穹苍(台),爱是神奇(港),葬礼,通往仙境 To the Wonder...
驾喻人生(港),爱情停看听(台),学会驾驶 Learning to Drive...
又是圣诞 Christmas, Again2014,又是圣诞 Christmas, Again...
英式爱情守则,恋上英国大情人(港),真爱吵乌龙(台),How to Make Love Like an Englishman,Lessons in Love,英式情爱守则 Some Kind of Beautiful...
不一样的婚礼又怎样(台),烦恼拉拉婚,珍妮的婚礼 Jenny's Wedding...
时光倒流未嫁时,帕姬·苏结婚了,佩吉·休出嫁,佩姬·苏要出嫁,佩姬苏要出嫁 Peggy Sue Got Married...
艾什比,大叔阿什比 Ashby...
欲盖弥彰,平淡无奇的孩子 Obvious Child...
爱情无限谱 Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist2008,爱情无限谱 Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist...
你的情形,关于你 A Case of You...
疯一样的男子(台),爱是痴狂,像疯子一样,爱疯了 Like Crazy...
野狼历险记(台),阿尔法与欧米加,阿尔法和欧米伽,丛林有情狼 Alpha and Omega...
结婚友没友(台),婚前借爱(港),大婚当前,借来的幸福,Love & Marriage,大婚告急 Something Borrowed...
生活所迫,对不起,生活 Excuse Me for Living...
她不爱我 She Loves Me Not2013,她不爱我 She Loves Me Not...
The Loop,空中的飞鸟 A Bird of the Air...