快乐爱情 Love Happy1949,快乐爱情 Love Happy...
挣脱索链,逃狱惊魂 The Defiant Ones...
赌城奇案,弄巧成拙 Once Upon a Crime......
一个凶杀案的解析,桃色案件,桃色血案 Anatomy of a Murder...
安排香饵钓金龟(港),试情记 The Honey Pot...
傻瓜抢银行,鬼马大盗,傻瓜抢银行,傻瓜入狱记 Take the Money and Run...
蜜桃猎杀令,癫猫公路历险记,小野猫公路历险记 Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!...
贝奈特案件,本内特案件,黑天使 Black Angel...
街頭教士(台),牧师 The Pastor...
赤裸之吻,裸吻 The Naked Kiss...
大鸟笼 The Big Bird Cage1972,大鸟笼 The Big Bird Cage...
黄金万两(港),炎热的下午,狗日的下午(豆友译名),三伏天午后(豆友译名),热天午后 Dog Day Afternoon...
弱智与丧门星玩转美国,黐孖B,Beavis et Butt-Head se font l’Amérique,瘪四与大头蛋 Beavis and Butt-Head Do America...
邮差总按两次铃 The Postman Always Rings Twice1946,邮差总按两次铃 The Postman Always Rings Twice...
爱情魔咒,玉蝎子的咒语,玉蝎子的诅咒,玉蝎子的魔咒 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion...
骗术大王,Liar,说谎游戏 Deceiver...
山谷里的两天,山谷两日 2 Days in the Valley...
恶夜追缉令,月黑风急杀人夜,炎热的夜晚 In the Heat of the Night...
猫咪女孩 The Girl from Pussycat1969,猫咪女孩 The Girl from Pussycat...
枪、女孩和赌博 Guns, Girls and Gambling2011,枪、女孩和赌博 Guns, Girls and Gambling...