Wild Search...
来自江湖(台) / 贼公差婆 / 流氓差婆 / Thunder Cops II...
孔雀王 / Peacock King / Peacock Prince / Legend of the Phoenix...
In the Line of Duty 4...
龙霸天下(台) / Dragon Fight / Dragon Kickboxer / The Defector...
龙凤村 / Kids from Shaolin...
Ying ging boon sik...
On Parole / Hell Bird...
神雕侠侣之杨过与小龙女 / Little Dragon Maiden...
Shoot to Kill...
Jing zei xiong di / Caper...
Treasure Hunt...
Widow Warriors...
少林三十六房:霹雳十杰 / Master Killer III / Disciples of the 36th Chamber...
老板的故事 / The Peace Hotel / Peace Hotel...
狼牙之阿布 / Legendary Assassin...
Undeclared War...