斗室 Battlebox2023,斗室 Battlebox...
决战中的较量,大敌当前(台),敌对边缘(港),Stalingrad,兵临城下 Enemy at the Gates...
Immortal,永生战士 Sisu...
战火遗孤 Edges of the Lord2001,战火遗孤 Edges of the Lord...
缘断仰光桥 Rangoon2017,缘断仰光桥 Rangoon...
艾帅与登陆日,Ike: Countdown To D-Day,Ike: Thunder in June,诺曼底大风暴 Ike: Countdown To D-Day...
忠诚:英雄主义、友谊、牺牲的史诗故事,决战38度线(台),Devotion: An Epic Story of Heroism, Friendship, and Sacrific,忠诚 Devotion...
挚爱永恒(台),恋火浮生(港),来到这个世上,Twice Born,Into the World,行至今生 Venuto Al Mondo...
Hushed Roar,咆哮无声...
潜舰灭杀令(港),潜舰猎杀令(台),猎人杀手,冰海陷落 Hunter Killer...
新西线无战事,All Quiet on the Western Front,西线无战事 Im Westen nichts Neues...
沙漠雄狮,大地雄狮 Lion of the Desert...
希特勒的最后一战 Hitler's Last Stand2018,希特勒的最后一战 Hitler's Last Stand...
我的佣兵生涯,佣兵,Wolf Pack,狼群...