阿罕布拉宫的回忆,阿兰布拉宫的回忆,Memories of the Alhambra,阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆 알함브라 궁전의 추억...
天国的阶梯爱的阶梯,天堂的阶梯,Stairway to Paradise,天国的阶梯 천국의 계단...
天国的树天国の樹,Tree of Heaven,天国的树 천국의 나무...
原来是美男啊原来是美男,是美男啊,原来是美男啊 미남이시네요...
邻家花美男我每天都偷看他,Yiootjib Kkotminam,My Neighbor Flower Boy,Flower Boy Next Door,邻家花美男 이웃집 꽃미남...
匹诺曹皮诺丘,皮耶诺,Pinocchio,匹诺曹 피노키오...
医生们女流氓慧静,女流氓惠静,女痞子惠静,Dakteoseu,Doctors,医生们 닥터스...
低谷医生医生低谷,Doctor Slump,低谷医生 닥터 슬럼프...
继承者们欲戴王冠,必承其重-继承者们,The Heirs,One Who Wants to Wear the Crown Bear the Crown – The Heirs,The One Trying to Wear the Crown, Withstand the Weight – The Heirs,继承者们 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들...