Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2,今夜林中无人入睡2 W lesie dzis nie zasnie nikt 2...
暗黑圣女(台),圣人莫德 Saint Maud...
死亡连锁(台),Dembanger,杀戮开始 Initiation...
孕母,Welcome to the Blumhouse: Madres,母亲的诅咒 Madres...
自相残杀,人肉炸弹 Triggered...
狩猎追杀,人狼恶 Hunter Hunter...
你房间有人,诡异入侵,家有访吓,你房里有人 There's Someone Inside Your House...
罪孽,女巫清算 The Reckoning...
你独属于我,操控(台),You Belong to Me,你的每一次呼吸 Every Breath You Take...
入魔(台),我们的女巫手册(港),魔女游戏:遗产,新魔女游戏,魔女游戏 The Craft: Legacy...
十分钟到午夜 Ten Minutes to Midnight2020,十分钟到午夜 Ten Minutes to Midnight...
咒语(台),索命咒 Spell...
逃跑的女孩,Mother,逃脱的女孩 The Girl Who Got Away...
玩具盒惊魂,玩偶盒惊魂 The Jack in the Box...
先人之夜 Bhoot Chaturdashi2019,先人之夜 Bhoot Chaturdashi...
魔坑(台),The Devil Below,Sinkhole,下方的恶魔 Shookum Hills...
小心背后,小心身后 Behind You...
Welcome to the Blumhouse: Evil Eye,邪恶之眼 Evil Eye...
血船 Blood Vessel2019,血船 Blood Vessel...
血腥地狱 Bloody Hell2020,血腥地狱 Bloody Hell...