秘密窗,笔下窗狂,神秘窗,凶窗幻影,秘窗 Secret Window...
变态度假区,杀手假日 Killer Holiday...
血色月亮,颤栗,极异之情,爱定你 杀定你,High Tension,Switchblade Romance,高压电 Haute tension...
被诅咒者之吻,诅咒之吻 Kiss of the Damned...
床底下,床下魔怪 Under the Bed...
反社会分子 Antisocial2013,反社会分子 Antisocial...
刺身者,纹身师 The Tattooist...
房剋(台),房客 The Lodgers...
绝命休息站2,绝命休息站2:别回头,Rest Stop 2,恐怖休息站2:别回头 Rest Stop: Don't Look Back...
恐怖异俗秀 The Penny Dreadful Picture Show2013,恐怖异俗秀 The Penny Dreadful Picture Show...
猛鬼街6:终极噩梦,弗莱迪之死:最终噩梦,猛鬼街6 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare...
再见亦是猛鬼,半夜鬼上床7,新噩梦,猛鬼街 7,Wes Craven’s New Nightmare,猛鬼街7 New Nightmare...
颤栗:五大丧尸,恐惧幻影 Chilling Visions: 5 Senses of Fear...
鬼鲨 Ghost Shark2013,鬼鲨 Ghost Shark...
纳粹僵尸战场 Battlefield Death Tales2012,纳粹僵尸战场 Battlefield Death Tales...