The Trouble-Makers...
绝不放过你来去少林 / I‘ll Never Let You Off...
财叔之横扫千军(粤语)横扫天下(台) / The Raid...
赌圣3:无名小子My Name Is Nobody...
运财童子狂赌一族出头天 / Beginner's Luck...
撞板风流Naughty Couple...
情迷大话王粤语Everyday is Valentine...
化骨龙与千年虫粤语He is my Enemy Partner Father in law...
流氓师表The Teacher Without Chalk...
四大天王The Heavenly Kings...
麦兜故事麦兜的故事 / My Life as McDull...
亚李·爸爸两个大盗粤语A Lee Ang Ang Leung Goh Daai Diy...
夜半无人尸语时Step Into the Dark...
情意拳拳Nothing Is Impossible...
两小无知Sealed with a Kiss...
男歌女唱Let's Sing Along...
僵尸福星仔尸王争霸 / Vampire kids...