Darling, Stay at Home,太太万岁...
Our Dream Car,香車美人,香车美人 香車美人...
Comedy of Mismatches / 乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱...
Doctor Vampire / 凶屋医生...
Honeymoon in Jakarta...
憨星先生 / He Come From Planet K...
Chicken and Duck Talk...
衣锦还乡 / Eight Taels of Gold...
男人如衣 / Love is. . .Pyjamas...
方世玉2:万夫莫敌 / 方世玉续集:谁与争锋 / 功夫皇帝II:万夫莫敌(台) / Fong Sai Yuk II / The Legend II...
Love cruise / Chasing Girls 2: Ambition of Paparazzi...
Adventure of The King...
The Fantastic Water Babes...
The Fantastic Water Babes...
三个活宝闹深圳 / Hong Kong People in Shenzhen / The.Lost.Necklace...
You're OK, I'm OK...
The Tricky Master...
The Mad Monk...
The Big Sting...
The Emperor and the Minister...