Cop Image...
守城Guarding Our City...
旺角风云Mongkok Story...
泪眼杀星之八百龙兵团The Story of Freeman / 八百龙...
新冷血十三鹰The 13 Cold Blooded Eagles / The Thirteen Cold Blooded Eagles...
蝎子之策反行动Sting of The Scorpion...
追日古剑山庄 / A Chinese Legend...
档案X杀人犯猎凶 / The Hunted Hunter / Chasing Murderer...
杀手狂龙The Hidden Enforcers / 夏日杀手...
虎胆俏佳人新滚滚红唇 / The Vengeance / Her Vengeance...
绝桥智多星龙虎大老千 / The Big Score...
暗鬥Dark War...
魔唇劫射月 / 邪神拳 / The Holy Virgin Vs the Evil Dead / 新画皮...
奇迹替身的传说 / Mr. Canton and Lady Rose / The Canton Godfather / Black Dragon / Miracles...
怪物先生Monster Run / Mr. Monster...
皇家女将She Shoots Straight...
蝎子战士漫画神拳 / Operation Scorpio / Scorpion King...